How To Implement Association Meeting Management Successfully?

 Organizing a successful meeting is a massive task because research shows that only half the time spent on meetings is resourceful. Billion dollars are wasted every year in unproductive and lousy meetings. The task gets tougher when one has to implement association meeting management successfully.

An association meeting means a meeting held by the Agent Association or held by the Agent Association as proposed by the Member Association, with all Member Associations participating in the discussion of matters related to the Association Loan.

A good organization or meeting managers are needed to organize productive and successful association meetings so that money and time nothing gets wasted. We know a meeting was successful when the energy afterward is higher, and the attendees feel excited and empowered for the upcoming projects. 

After the COVID-19 pandemic, the association meetings are happening physically and virtually.

Here is a guide for the implementation of Association meeting management successfully:


The first step towards Association meeting management is of defining the meeting objectives. We should be aware of the objective of the association as well as our objective. Here are a few examples of setting our objectives:

Increase registration by 20%

Increase social media mentions by 10%

Increase revenue by 30%

Once we have defined goals for ourselves. It is time to work on the purpose of the association meeting. For example, if the meeting is organized for the discussion of the strategies, we should make sure that all the attendees are aware of this so that they do not feel puzzled during the meeting.


Once we know the objective, we should be clear about the venue, time, and date of the association meeting management. A circular should be rotated to the management team informing about the same. An agenda and calendar invite should be sent to all the attendees so that everyone knows about the meeting. If the meeting is happening virtually then a link to the invite from the virtual meeting portal mentioning all the details should be sent to all the attendees.

Once the venue date and time of the meeting are finalized, the budget for the meeting shall be discussed firstly with the association head, who is looking after the finances, and then with the event management team so that everything is under the budget and the meeting is cost-effective.

We shall also know how many people are attending the meeting and where they are coming from. The budget shall be made accordingly, keeping their demographics in mind.


The association meetings organizer needs technical support for the registration, attendance, safety, etc. of the attendees. So, we should make sure that the technology used is of high quality and up to date so that on the day of the meeting nothing goes haywire.


Sufficient human resources or manpower shall be available to execute an association meeting successfully. Human resources are required from handling the technical devices to taking care of the attendees’ needs to hospitality to production to logistics management. So, we should make sure that enough human resources are available to look after the management.


When association meetings happen virtually, the safety of the attendees is not a point where one has to worry but when the meetings happen physically, we need to make sure proper safety measures are taken like first aid, ambulance, doctors, etc. The well-being of the people attending the meeting shall be our priority.

Association meetings are usually not the focus of entertainment, but entertainment is crucial to keep attendees engaged. The attendees can have fun during the meeting by doing a few fun activities, or an entertainment booth can be placed with smart games to keep them involved.


When people from different demographics attend association meetings, it gets monotonous. People do not get any relaxation, so if a city tour is organized and its planner is circulated amongst the attendees, it allows them to break the monotony and enjoy themselves on a business trip which is a rarity.


Every successful event needs a marketing and promotional plan to drum up excitement and spread the word. These days, social media plays a massive role in creating a buzz for the event. Content creation, hashtags, memes, and blogs can all be used to promote and market association meetings.


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